Fastest Trains in the world


When are they going to build a high speed train between Los Angeles and Las Vegas? Who knows, that part of the US is way behind the rest of the world. There are trains that travel just as fast as planes right as they take off into the air. Check out the fastest trains from around the world. 

Running in China, the CRH380A had a top speed of 302 mph during testing, but operates at 236 mph. It can hold up to 1066 passengers and has cut travel time from 1 hour and 18 minutes to just 45 minutes.

The TR-09, running in Germany, can reach speeds up to 279 mph. Also known as the Transrapid, it can hold up to 440 Passengers.

The Shinkhansen, running through Japan, travels at 275 mph. Also known as the Bullet train, it can seat up to 817 passengers.

TGV Reseau
Traveling through France, the TGV Reseau can travel as fast as 236 mph, but is limited to 199 mph. This bi-level train can accommodate 377 passengers.

Running through South Korea, this train can reach speeds of 219 mph, but can only travel 190 mph for security reasons. This bullet train can hold up to 360 passengers.

Running through Taiwan, the THSR 700T travels at 208 mph. Part of the Shinkansen family, it holds up to 989 passengers.

AVE 103
The AVE 103 is Europe’s second fastest train traveling at 205 mph. Traveling from Madrid to Barcelona, this train can seat up to 404 passengers.

While traveling between London and Paris, the Eurostar travels at 199 mph. 900 passengers can ride this train under the English Channel.

Also called the Elettero Treno Rapido, the ETR-500 reaches speeds up to 190 mph. It can take 700 passengers from Milan to Bologna, in under an hour.

Located in Japan, this “magnetic” train travels at an incredible speed of 374 mph. Currently the fastest train in the world, it accommodates 1000 passengers.

Things you didn’t know about the Atomic Bomb


Back in the day when sub atomic physics was being theorized, physics scientists around the world divided into two groups. Newtonian physics and this new physics proposed by Einstein. To the old school scientists, all this particle behavior seemed outlandish. I guess they were wrong….Einstein dropped the bomb on them. Check out these facts about the reality of nuclear bombs! 

Nuclear Shadows
As thermal radiation travels from the fireball, any person or object close to the blast is instantly vaporized. Such intensity also causes those people and objects to have their “shadows” permanently burned where they stood.

A significant portion of the world’s electricity comes from dismantled atomic bombs. They make up 10% of US electricity and around 20,000 of the bombs used come from Russia.

The Japanese created Godzilla as a reaction to the bombings and he was a metaphor for nuclear weapons. His weapon was his “atomic breath” and he represented the Japanese people’s fear about atomic bombs and the possible re-occurrence.

Albert Einstein
Einstein’s theories helped scientists understand how energy is released and led to the creation of the atomic bomb. When Einstein realized this, the fear of one falling into Hitler’s hands prompted him to write a letter to President Roosevelt, who created the Manhattan Project as a result.

Little Boy
Little Boy was the code name for the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. It was made with Uranium, measured 3 meters long and weighed more than 4 metric tons.

Fat Man
Fat man was the code name given to the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. It was made of Plutonium, a substance more powerful than Uranium, measured 3.5 meters long and weighed 4.5 tons.

One Official Survivor of Both Bombings
Tsutomu Yamaguchi had both eardrums ruptured and was severely burned during the first bomb. He found shelter overnight and returned to work the next day in Nagasaki, where he was uninjured by the second bomb. He passed away at 93 years old in 2010.

There are 26,000 Atomic Bombs Today
Made by various countries, this amount of nuclear weapons could wipe out the entire human race. The US and Russia are in possession of the largest portion, with other countries that may include Israel, China, Britain, North Korea, France and Pakistan.

Duck and Cover
After the first bomb dropped, a Hiroshima policeman taught the Nagasaki police the “duck and cover”, which increases the chance of personal protection. Because of this method, not one police officer died in Nagasaki and they were able to organize better relief efforts.

Tourist Attraction
During the 1950s, regular testing of atomic bombs were happening 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas. Calendars were printed advertising detonation times and the best spots for watching the blasts.

10 Reasons We May Have Gone to the Moon!

There’s a lot of debate about the moon landings. Did we go? Did we not go? Who knows….but here are some facts that will help you make your decision on the matter.

The Japanese Selene Probe of 2008 showed photographic evidence of Moon Landings which matched exactly those that were taken in 1971 of the Apollo 15 Landing.The Soviet Union who first tried to launch a successful space mission did not debate the United States on whether we landed in Space or not.

Astronauts brought back authentic photos from space which displayed the Moon. Lunar Landing Sites can be viewed through the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Lunar Landings were spotted by Chinaís Chagíe 2 Lunar Probe and also the Indian Chandrayaan- 1 Probe. Nasa brought back Lunar Rocks from the Moon that were identical to Rocks found on Earth.

Stars were not visible from the surface of the moon due the Moon being very bright,giving reflections of the sunís light. Cameras were not able to process star images due to this fact.Scientists questioned how the American Flag would have moved on the Moon. When placed there by Apollo 11 Astronaut Neil Armstrong due to their being no Wind in Space. In Space there is momentum and inertia.

The Astronauts had cameras in the chests of their suits thus making it possible for them to take photos.

Scientists examined a Rock and the presence of a Glass Spherule which was produced by A Meteorite impact into Lunar Soil. Scientists concluded that this rock had to come from space as if it was from the Earth, Water particles would have broken it down.

10 Facts About Air Force One


Air Force one is the radio call name for any U.S. Air Force plane carrying the president of the United States of America. Air Force One is like 3 Storey Hotel with many facilities, including a large kitchen, offices and a mini Hospital.

The president has onboard living quarters, with his own bedroom, bathroom, workout room/gym and office space. There is a control room in Air Force One which is connected to Pentagon War Room. It is equipped with all controls of Nuclear Weapon of US in case of emergency.

The plane is equipped with 85 onboard telephones, a collection of two-way radios, fax machines and computer connections. The president and his staff can reach just about anybody in the world while cruising tens of thousands of feet in the air. Air Force one is a military aircraft, designed to withstand an air attack.

The flares of the plane are capable of destroying missiles. The plane carries 53,611 gallons (about 203,000 litres) of fuel and weighs 833,000 pounds (about 377,000 kg) fully loaded for a long-range mission. It can fly half way around the world with a full tank.

Before a journalist is allowed to travel with the president in Air Force One, he must first undergo screening with the Air Force, TSA, Secret Service, Explosive Ordnance, bomb sniffers and Air Force One personal security detachment. Journalists are allowed to enter through the rear door of the aircraft before being taken to the middle deck.

Air Force One can comfortably carry 70 passengers and 26 crew members. Before any Air Force One flight, the Air Force crew sends C141 Starlifter cargo carrier planes carrying the presidentís motorcade to the destination.