Fastest Trains in the world


When are they going to build a high speed train between Los Angeles and Las Vegas? Who knows, that part of the US is way behind the rest of the world. There are trains that travel just as fast as planes right as they take off into the air. Check out the fastest trains from around the world. 

Running in China, the CRH380A had a top speed of 302 mph during testing, but operates at 236 mph. It can hold up to 1066 passengers and has cut travel time from 1 hour and 18 minutes to just 45 minutes.

The TR-09, running in Germany, can reach speeds up to 279 mph. Also known as the Transrapid, it can hold up to 440 Passengers.

The Shinkhansen, running through Japan, travels at 275 mph. Also known as the Bullet train, it can seat up to 817 passengers.

TGV Reseau
Traveling through France, the TGV Reseau can travel as fast as 236 mph, but is limited to 199 mph. This bi-level train can accommodate 377 passengers.

Running through South Korea, this train can reach speeds of 219 mph, but can only travel 190 mph for security reasons. This bullet train can hold up to 360 passengers.

Running through Taiwan, the THSR 700T travels at 208 mph. Part of the Shinkansen family, it holds up to 989 passengers.

AVE 103
The AVE 103 is Europe’s second fastest train traveling at 205 mph. Traveling from Madrid to Barcelona, this train can seat up to 404 passengers.

While traveling between London and Paris, the Eurostar travels at 199 mph. 900 passengers can ride this train under the English Channel.

Also called the Elettero Treno Rapido, the ETR-500 reaches speeds up to 190 mph. It can take 700 passengers from Milan to Bologna, in under an hour.

Located in Japan, this “magnetic” train travels at an incredible speed of 374 mph. Currently the fastest train in the world, it accommodates 1000 passengers.