Weird Pre-historic Creatures


Deinotherium lived about 10-1 million years ago and translated from Greek, means “Terrible Beast”. These elephant like creatures, stood 12-15 feet high, had a short trunk, chin tusks and are one of the largest mammals to ever live.

Dunkleosteus lived about 380-360 million years ago and is the largest armored jaw fish ever, measuring 10 meters and weighing 3.6 tons. Even though this fish had no teeth, it had two pairs of gnathal plates, which produced the strongest bite in history at 8000 lbs. per square inch.

Helicoprion lived about 290 million years ago and little is known about this “spiral jaw” shark, due to the fact that only a skull has been found and no body. How it used its jaw is still a mystery to scientists, but some theories are that it was used to grind down shells, whip out to attack predators, or catch prey.

Opabinia lived around 505 million years ago and has some of the strangest features around. It is believed to have lived on the sea floor and had 30 legs, 30 flippers, an elephant like trunk with a lobster like claw at the end, 5 eyes, and a mouth under the head, facing backwards.

Also known as “Terror Bird”, Phorusrhacidae lived about 62-2.5 million years ago, and is the largest flightless predatory bird. It is thought to have been able to run up to 40 mph, preying on small rodents and mammals, and was around 3-10 feet long.

Pterodaustro lived around 105 million years ago and is considered a Pterosaur. Its curved beak had teeth like the baleen of whales and it had a diet of plankton and crustaceans. It had a 4 foot wingspan, but only weighed around 5-10 lbs.

Quetzalcoatlus lived 144-65 million years ago, and is also a Pterosaur. The biggest one, in fact. He is thought to be 20 feet tall, weighing 450-550 lbs., with a wingspan of 30 feet. It is also been decided that he flew without flapping his wings and swallowed his prey whole.

Pristerognathus was a mammal-like reptile that lived about 250 million years ago. He was a 6 foot long carnivore, that weighed anywhere from 100-200 lbs. He had a long narrow skull with large, upper canine teeth.

The Epidexipteryx lived 160-168 million years ago and was a small, feathered dinosaur. It had 4 ribbon like display feathers and it is the first evolutionary example of ornamental feathers. Epidexipteryx was about the size of a pigeon and it is believed to have spent it’s life in trees, hunting insects.

Chalicotherium lived around 28.4-3.6 million years ago and is thought to have spent its time consuming leaves. It had long arms to reach high branches, walked on its back feet and knuckles, and was protected by its sheer size and large claws on its forelegs. Chalicotherium had a horse like head and a sloth like body, with no teeth, except a few back molars.