Fashion Trends from the 1980’s


Shoulder pads
Shoulder pads were one of the most decade-defining fashion fads.  Big, strong shoulders very very popular in both the work force for women, but also with strong characters in the entertainment industry.  Joan Collins, Betty White, and Princess Diana were all woman who embraced this fashion trend.

Mini Skirts
Women of the 80’s loved showing off their legs with mini skirts.  Often mini skirts were paired up with leggings.  Mini skirts were also made with different fabrics such as denim, leather, suede, and latex.  Madonna was a major mini skirt trend setter.

Leg Warmers
This fashion trend didn’t really make sense at the time, but women were still caught wearing leg warmers with mini skirts or leggings.  At least two pairs of leg warmers could be found in every girl’s dresser.  Jane Fonda was a major inspiration for leg warmers.

Huge Earrings
Huge earrings in the 80’s were very popular.  If your earrings didn’t at least touch your shoulder, they were not big enough.  Even celebrity Mr. T wore huge earrings.  Cindy Lauper, Oprah Winfrey, and Debbie Gibson were all famous celebrity icons wearing huge earrings in the 80’s.

Fingerless Gloves
Fingerless gloves were another famous fashion fad during the 80’s.  Anyone could wear these gloves, including romance enthusiasts to punk-rock fans.  Madonna was a strong influence with her fingerless glove look while she was going through her boy toy phase.  Even male rock bands wore fingerless gloves like Twisted Sister.


Parachute Pants
Both men and women in the 80’s wore parachute pants.  These pants were not just worn at the skating rink, but were worn all over the town.  Parachute pants started off skin tight and ended up baggier than a huge sack.  These pants were also available in a wide variety of vibrant colors as well.


Members Only Jackets
Who doesn’t remember Clark Griswold wearing a “Members Only Jacket” in National Lampoon’s Vacation?  These jackets were part of the “in” crowd and both men and women wore these jackets.  Pushing the sleeves up just below the elbow was the hip way to wear the Members Only Jacket.


These “units” were perfect in the 80’s because of their one-size-fits-all featuring knit skirts, shirts, belts, and leggings in many different colors.  Anyone wearing units loved being able to buy 6 different pieces, then mix & match them.  Units are still worn today.


Stretch-Stirrup Pants
One of the worst trends of the 80’s were the stirrup pants.  These pants were available in multiple colors including stripes and bright colors.  These pants were not very flattering, because even the skinniest person looked big with a triangle effect.  This particular trend is going to stay stuck back in the 80’s.


Oversized Tops
Big sweaters, sweatshirts, and t-shirts were stylish and very trendy wearing them over a miniskirt or a pair of leggins.  Often times these shirts were belted with big bold belts to add more stylish pizzazz.