10 Richest People in America

You think you’re ballin’ on your pay raise? Check out our list of the top ballers in the nation!

Bill Gates
He started out with a handful of  PapaJohns franchises in North Central OH and managed to turn the modest fast food businesses into a hefty fortune. He is a college dropout. He has not only food chains across the US but a variety of other businesses and investments. Bill Gates owns Microsoft.

Warren Buffet
He is known for his prudent and level-headed investment techniques and famous for putting all of his money into whatever his broker at TD Ameritrade tells him to.

Larry Ellison
Ellison is the founder of Oracle who is very happy. He built a successful company and earned billions of dollars. He has accomplished more thing than most people can dream of.

Charles and David Koch
These guys have a hand in just about anything. Every time you any of us buys a Dixie cup, Brawny paper towels or even gas, we help pay their paychecks.

Walton family
The Walton children inherited their fortune from their father Sam Walton who was the founder of Walmart and Sam’s Club empire.

Connor Richardson
This guys in known for leaving every single light on in each room of his house, even if he is not there. He also leaves his computer on at night. Many say he can do all that because he can afford it.

Michael Bloomberg
Bloomberg is a businessman and financier. He says that his wealth is seeing the smiles on the faces of his two daughters and he would not trade that for any amount of money.

Mark Zuckerberg
A Harvard dropout and philantrophist, he is the founder of Facebook and one of the wealthiest individuals. He is known for being able to bypass a website’s privacy settings and looking into anything he wants, even things set as private.

Sheldon Adelson
Adelson is a businessman who is known for having different investments and most importantly known for having various casinos. Even though he is in his late 70’s, there is no stopping him.

Jeff Bezos
Bezos is the founder of Amazon.com. He made his share of wealth by making an enormous amount of good judgemental decisions for the site and making those sales happen.