Cities with the most Traffic

I live in LA and the traffic has been getting worse year over year. People keep moving into the city and they don’t move out. The city has a real minimal train system, so people are forced to use their cars. I thought LA was bad, but check out this list of places with terrible traffic!

Jakarta, Indonesia
Jakarta is the worst city in the world for traffic jams according to a new index by Castrol oil. According to the study, drivers in Jakarta stop and start their cars 33,240 times per year on the road.

Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul is the second worst city in the world for traffic. Commuters in Istanbul spend a whopping 125 hours stuck in traffic every year, according to a TomTom statistics.

Mexico City, Mexico
The average driver in Mexico City will have to stop their cars 30,840  times per year on the road.

Surabaya, Indonesia
The second largest city in Indonesia also making the list. The average driver in Surabaya, Indonesia, will have to stop their cars 29,880 times per year on the road.

St. Petersburg, Russia
The average driver in St. Petersburg, Russia, will have to stop their cars 29,040 times per year on the road.

Moscow, Russia
The average driver in Russia’s capital city will have to stop and boot 28,680 times per year on the road.

Rome, Italy
The average driver in Rome will have to stop 28,680 times per year on the road.

Bangkok, Thailand
The average driver in Bangkok will have to stop 27,480 times per year on the road.

Guadalajara, Mexico
The average driver in Guadalajara, Mexico, will have to stop 24,840 times per year on the road

Buenos Aires, Argentina
The average driver in Argentina’s capital city will have to stop 23,760 times per year on the road.